More Good Day Oregon - “Martha Stewart” of marijuana blazes trail for Oregon’s edible cannabis industry
The New Yorker once called Laurie Wolf the Martha Stewart of marijuana edibles. The award-winning culinary is pioneering her way through Oregon’s cannabis industry, making consumption a more delicious experience. MORE’s Molly Riehl stopped by the Laurie + MaryJane kitchen to learn more.

The Best Cannabis Cookbooks for Budding Chefs
“Skipping the goofy cannabis slang, quotes, and puns (she’s better than us), this cookbook does an amazing job at calling out the benefits of marijuana for treating or relieving the symptoms of illnesses like cancer, anxiety, and depression. In that, Wolf elaborates on various strains of marijuana and even offers freezing tips.”

The Edible High: With Renowned Culinary Entrepreneur Laurie Wolf
“Exploring the colourful potential of a new pantry staple. We discuss cooking with marijuana and mastering the culinary art of edibles with Laurie Wolf.”

Oregon's 5 Bestselling Weed Edibles
They look good. They taste good. They get you high.
There is no question that the way to consume cannabis has changed over the last few years. With many states passing laws to legalize cannabis, its popularity has grown. People have embraced the medical nature of the plant and the recreational side. In the past smoking cannabis was the most common way of using the substance but with cannabis become legal people have found that edibles are the way to go. Here are five of the best brands of edibles in Oregon that have proven track records and offer the best products.

Chowhound: The History and Evolution of Cannabis Cookbooks
One of the first THC-infused cookbooks to serve up serious culinary chops with a side of style was “Herb: Mastering the Art of Cooking With Cannabis.” Published in 2015, this gorgeously photographed, drool-worthy cookbook was created by Melissa Parks and Laurie Wolf, a pair of professional chefs. If you’ve ever fantasized about infusing a Tomahawk ribeye with cannabis, now you can. “Herb” features 200 mouthwatering yet practical recipes for appetizers, desserts, and entrees, like spaghetti with arugula pesto and matcha sugar cookies.

Right at the Fork Podcast Ep. 139
In celebration of National Women's History Month and International Women's Day (March 8th), Right at the Fork welcomes Lisa Schroeder, owner/chef of Mother's Bistro as our guest host.
In this episode, Lisa interviews Laurie Wolf, an American food writer and entrepreneur, and now a leader in the edible community and an award-winning culinary entrepreneur. In 2014, she founded Laurie + Maryjane with her daughter-in-law, Mary. Since 2015, Laurie has published four cannabis cookbooks.

Periodic Effects Podcast Ep. 84
Today’s guest is Laurie Wolf, Founder of Laurie + MaryJane, an edible processor in Oregon. Tune in to learn how Laurie used cannabis to treat her epilepsy, wrote multiple cannabis cook books and pioneered one of the leading edible companies with her daughter-in-law. An inside look at what small batch, craft edible companies can do to not only survive but thrive in the cannabis industry.
About Periodic Effects
The Periodic Effects podcast focuses on the Business & Science of Cannabis.
Bringing you an insider look at cannabis business operators and the latest studies on cannabis science research. If you’re operating in the cannabis industry, a budtender looking to learn more, or a consumer wondering how cannabis can help you, this is the podcast for you!

The Greener Grass Podcast, Ep. 29
Laurie Wolf is a chef, author, and entrepreneur. She makes edibles as well as recipes to help you cook with cannabis at home. She tells Lex about her journey in the culinary world and why she chose to focus on marijuana as her primary ingredient.
About The Greener Grass
Interviews about cannabis, psychedelics, self-optimization and All Things Green.
Host Lex Pelger sits down with scientists, activists, adventurers, policy-makers, underground herbalists, nature nerds, radical lawyers and others doing their part to make the world a greener place.
The Greener Grass Podcast is a BlueBird Botanicals Production. Please send your ideas, comments and feedback to greenergrasspodcast@gmail.com

LA Times: 6 cannabis cookbooks with recipes from basic to gourmet
“This 3-year-old cookbook from two classically trained chefs — the pair have degrees from the Culinary Institute of America, Le Cordon Bleu and Johnson and Wales between them — is one of the better books about cannabis cooking. It’s both pragmatic and culinary-minded, and avoids the stoner language that can obfuscate the prose of the genre. The concise “cannabis 101” intro section concludes with good recipes for canna-oil, canna-butter and compound butters made with it — a great and nicely cheffy touch. The recipes focus on well-sourced ingredients and give techniques for components in such a way that you could easily use the book for non-pot cooking. I’d switch out the cannabutter for regular butter and make the triple-chocolate espresso cookies on a regular rotation, and the matcha sugar cookies too.”

Maria + Jane: Women in Cannabis Business Ep. 10
“This week I'm talking to Laurie Wolf. Laurie is a leader in the edible community and an award-winning culinary entrepreneur.”
About This Show
Founder of Maria + Jane and GetPlanty, Jac Carly, chats with the world’s women in the cannabis. From founders to growers to bud-tenders to advocates, these are the women making it happen. The Maria + Jane podcast is here to educate, empower and inspire you to be the best you can be and rock it in the cannabis industry.

The New Yorker
The Martha Stewart of Marijuana Edibles
It’s a category that used to begin and end with the bone-dry pot brownie, served in a college dorm room. Laurie Wolf is a leader in its gourmet revolution.

Into the Weeds
"I’m warming to the idea of trying cannabis again when I hear about a “Tapas & Terps” dinner hosted by Laurie Wolf, author of Herb: Mastering the Art of Cooking with Cannabis. Vaporizers will be on hand, says the Evite, and each course will be served with a strain that showcases a dominant terpene.
It’s a rain-soaked evening when my husband and I arrive at Wolf’s swank floating home in Oregon City. Our hostess ushers us into an airy living room with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Willamette River and striking artwork on the walls—including an original Mapplethorpe photograph. We chill on the couch with ten others—some of whom are already passing around a vape pen. (I demur.) There’s a cannabis-activist power couple, a young woman in a chic gauzy black dress, and Laurie’s fetching daughter-in-law, Mary, with whom she runs an edibles company. Conversation flits from which pot growers use organic methods to the benefits of vape pens."

Portland Monthly
Oregon's Super-High Standards for Marijuana Edibles
"Laurie & MaryJane Nut Mix: Made by Oregon City residents Laurie Wolf and her daughter-in-law, Mary Wolf, these nuts won first place at the 2015 Dope Cup in the hotly contested “savory edibles” category."

"Laurie Wolf has the recipes down. Her mixed nuts, with rosemary, sea salt, brown sugar and cumin, won a 2015 Dope Cup award. The Almond Cake Bites won second place. The Laurie & MaryJane line of edibles is currently sold at medical marijuana dispensaries around Portland. But before Wolf, the author of HERB: Mastering the Art of Cooking with Cannabis, and her business partner can expand to the recreational market, they need follow state requirements to keep their products on shelves."

Oregon Leaf
"Not only can you raise eyebrows and consciousness all at once with these recipes, you can gain a new level of understanding when it comes to the science behind dosing levels."

Cannabis Now
High Quality, High Results
"When it's done right, pot can enhance the flavor of a meal, complement a particular ingredient and heighten the overall experience of consuming food. That's where Laurie and MaryJane come in with their cooking expertise and stellar recipe-developing prowess. For them, the key is treating cannabis like any other ingredient and using its distinct flavor profile to boost and enhance the taste of a dish."